to sylvia when self flagellation was introduced to the philippines by the spaniards
(too old to reply)
Prehispanic flip
2006-05-10 13:37:58 UTC
Following the conquest of the Philippines by Spain in 1565 and the
onset of evangelisation, Hispanic missionaries introduced
self-flagellation in the archipelago in the late sixteenth century.
Given events in Spain, this is not at all extraordinary. In fact, it
would be remarkable if the friars had not introduced flagellation in
the Philippines, as they had already done in Mexico (Clendinnen 1990:
123-24). According to Pedro Chirino (1969: 285), a Jesuit who arrived
in the Philippines on 20 June 1590, the disciplina was first introduced
on the island of Panay by canon Diego de León. No form of religious
self-mortification was practised in the Philippines prior to
colonization, yet Chirino (1969: 285, 343, 403, 457) describes how
Filipinos of all walks of life took to flagellation (a voluntary
practice) with such "extraordinary" enthusiasm (see also Ribadeneyra
1601: 49-50) that physical restraint was sometimes necessary, "so eager
and fervent" were the indios. On more than one occasion, a man
disciplined himself so violently that he collapsed and was believed to
have died (Chirino 1969: 352). Whereas initially flagellation only took
place during Lent, the practice was extended to all Fridays, every one
of which, according to Chirino (1969: 419), was "attended by many
people, of high rank and of every condition and profession". By the
mid-seventeenth century, the Jesuit, Ignacio Alcina, lamented that if
Filipinos chose to scourge themselves, they did so regardless of
physical ailments or attempts to stop them. "We are unable to remedy
this," Alcina admitted, "since we learn about it when it is all over"
(Koback and Fernandez 1981: 165). In Samar and Leyte at least,
self-flagellation was no longer exclusively under Spanish jurisdiction.

The virtual absence of references to self-flagellation in later sources
(San Antonio, Santa Inés, Martínez and Colín), has prompted the
suggestion "that Filipino interest [in the disciplina] rapidly abated".
On the contrary, it was Spanish interest that waned as ecclesiastical
attitudes towards self-flagellation changed in seventeenth and
eighteenth century Europe. For later generations of missionaries the
disciplina was an anachronism, the enthusiasm of Filipinos an
embarrassment. The absence of references to flagellation was a
deliberate act of self-censorship by the friars, not an indication of
indigenous disinterest or disavowal. Among Filipinos, flagellation
continued unabated.

Two centuries after flagellation was introduced in the Philippines, the
Provincial Council of Manila held in 1771 decreed that: "Nobody should
flog himself publicly in the streets or in churches during Holy Week"
(Barrion 1960: 304, 307). Two years later, the Synod of Calasiao
prohibited the disciplina with an explicit ban on "all bloody penances"
(Smith 1970: 203). Significantly, flagellation survived as a custom,
but was performed with increasing discretion. At the turn of the
twentieth century, in the wake of Spanish colonialism, Lt. Charles
Barney (1903: 5) observed that flagellation (which even then was "not
done in penance") "has been so discouraged of late years by the Church
that it is performed only in the smaller villages of the interior and
of the outlying barrios [villages] of the larger towns, more or less
secretly, away from the sight of white men". In fact, during the first
half of the twentieth century, amidst the American (and Japanese)
occupation of the Philippines, flagellation became even more
clandestine and less widespread; nor did the ritual attract particular
attention beyond the perennial echo of colonial criticism and
condemnation. There was no forewarning of the revival to follow.

A Two-Tiered Revival
The revival of religious self-flagellation in the Philippines began in
the 1950s and gathered momentum in the early 1960s. Performance ceased
to be covert or inhibited, as tens of thousands of Filipino men
scourged themselves during Holy Week in a dramatic spectacle of public
blood-letting. Rather than outline macro social and economic changes in
the Philippines during and preceding this period, culture-specific
developments which may have contributed to the origins of the revival
of flagellation, I shall focus here on the nature of the revival, how
it was sustained, and why it survived despite potent opposition. In
particular, I shall look at the role of the educated elite, the
Philippine press and the Department of Tourism, all of which have
deliberately or inadvertently contributed to the development of the
revival over a period of decades. A revival ceases to be a revival if
and when it fails to evolve, and thereby loses the momentum fundamental
to its success. After almost half a century, the renaissance of
religious self-flagellation in the Philippines is still ongoing and

A religious revival is a complex process involving historical
continuity (more often in form than meaning), cultural innovation, and
the social differentiation of knowledge. Regarding the latter
diffraction, the revival of self-flagellation in the Philippines has
been two-tiered: both participatory in a performative sense, and
actively non-participatory, in terms of ritual representation outside
performance. First and foremost, there was a participatory revival
among predominantly lower-class males in central Luzon. This began in
earnest after world war two and independence from the United States,
marking the end of four centuries of colonialism. Wallace (1956: 265)
has defined a revitalisation movement (a generic term, which includes
religious revivalism) as "a deliberate, organized, conscious effort by
members of a society to construct a more satisfying culture." Although
conscious and deliberate, the participatory revival of religious
self-flagellation in the Philippines lacked organisation. Flagellants
did not form brotherhoods or fraternities (as in Spain or New Mexico).
Collectively, the group was acephalous: flagellants possessed no
leaders, either formally or informally, although a charismatic
individual, a cultural innovator called Arsenio Añoza (who I shall
return to later) played a pivotal role in the 1960s by inventing a new
religious self-mortification ritual in the Philippines. Nor was there
any attempt to recruit membership; no campaign of conversion. Without a
social or political structure, the revival was unusually fluid:
flagellants met solely for and during ritual performance, itself an
annual occurrence (during Holy Week), thus temporally precise,
predictable and intense. Moreover, unlike the revolutionary uprisings
of peasant brotherhoods in nineteenth and early twentieth century
Philippines, insightfully analysed by Reynaldo Ileto (1989), the
renaissance of self-flagellation was not politically-oriented. Although
flagellation was and still is performed predominantly by the lower
classes, the indigent and illiterate (as opposed to the penurious), the
ritual itself is not, at least not explicitly, a form of social
activism or political protest (again, I shall return to this point
later). Finally, on a theological front, if left in peace, and this has
not always been the case, flagellants are not and never were
intentionally heterodox or confrontational vis-a-vis the Catholic
Church, which today neither condemns nor condones the ritual. Almost
all the flagellants I have met consider themselves Catholics, and not
in any sense a breakaway movement from the Catholic Church.

The second tier of the rebirth of self-flagellation began in the early
1960s and peaked in the late 1970s. During this period, a surge of
interest in self-flagellation, which was often ambivalent, developed
among educated middle or upper class Filipinos, including the literati.
Although this active non-participatory interest was triggered by the
performative revival of flagellation, minimal interaction took place
between the two parties, even on Good Friday; a state aptly symbolised
by an affluent Filipino who once told me: "Every Holy Week, as a child,
I used to stare at the bleeding flagellants through the tinted windows
of our air-conditioned car [in parts of central Luzon, flagellants
parade along highways] as we drove north from Manila to Baguio for our
family vacation." Upon arrival in the summer capital, the family used
to inspect the white paintwork of the car for blood.

The crucified Christ, impaled in agony and dying on a cross, is a
multivocal or polysemic symbol in the Philippines, capable of
supporting, if not unifying a wide range of disparate, even
contradictory cultural meanings (Turner 1986: 28, 50). Fernandez'
(1965: 922) distinction between social and cultural consensus is useful
here. Social consensus involves agreement to interact (and how to
interact), for example during ritual performance. Cultural consensus
signals agreement regarding the meaning of symbols. A high degree of
social consensus, Fernandez argues, often implies a low degree of
cultural consensus: protagonists agree to disagree, if you like, on the
meaning of events. In the Philippines, the situation has added
complexity. Despite the organisational fluidity of the participatory
revival, flagellants exhibited both high social and cultural consensus,
the latter based on similar performance motives. Holistically, however,
the two-tiered revival demonstrated low social consensus (class-based
ritual participation versus active non-participation), although
interest in flagellation was uniformly high; as well as low cultural
consensus: that is, the unanimous supposition of penance, an orthodox
Western view deriving from Catholic theology, ironically adhered to by
an educated Filipino elite exploring nationalism, contrasted sharply
with the ritual exegesis of flagellants themselves. Although at odds
with one another, both indigenous interpretations continue to co-exist
within Philippine society.

Without doubt, the non-participatory revival of interest in
self-flagellation was linked to the independence of the Philippines and
the painful process of decolonization that ensued, as the educated
elite attempted to define or redefine cultural and national identity.
Flagellation was perceived, initially at least, as intrinsically
Filipino (despite its Spanish ancestry): a rural tradition bound up in
four hundred years of cultural heritage. Although flagellation belonged
to a protracted colonial past, it was temporarily embraced as part of
an experimental present and an imagined future, and like it or not (and
many nationalists did not), represented a small step towards answering
the question: who is the Filipino, or at least who is this Filipino? To
add a twist to the tale, an historical participatory twist to the
non-participatory revival: until the early twentieth century,
self-flagellation used to be practised on Good Friday, indoors and in
private, by upper class Filipino men.

The Non-Participatory Revival
Ethnographic examples of the non-participatory revival of interest in
flagellation among middle and upper class Filipinos are multifarious.
By way of illustration, I shall present a selection from primary
education, the Philippine press, as well as national arts and
literature, drawing throughout on indigenous materials. Emphasis here
is on largely ephemeral accounts, written, artistic and performed
representations of religious self-flagellation, each of which has
potential access to a sizeable and spacious audience. Throughout this
overview, it is important to remember the ritual exegesis of the
flagellants themselves, for their insights are absent and excluded
here, particularly the protagonists explicit rejection of repentance as
a motivational factor.

The first indication of renewed interest in flagellation came in March
1957, when Philippine Educator (official organ of the Public School
Teachers of the Philippines) published an article about Easter, of
which objective D was to learn more about Filipino religious practices,
including self-flagellation. Flagellation was defined as "submitting
one's self to pain": the flagellant is "whipped and beaten, knocked and
pushed about with every means of torture available; thongs with nails,
spiked clubs, stones or boards are used for torturing; [the] flagellant
does not whimper for this is supposed to be a sacrifice - a fulfilment
of a vow; when the torturing is over, [the] flagellant goes to church
and prays." A decade later, in March 1967, Home Life magazine published
a Lenten "self-examination" quiz for children. The focal point of the
article was a photograph of a procession of hooded flagellants. "What
practice is this? On what occasion?", readers were asked. The following
answer was provided: "Flagellation is practised among devotees
specially in Luzon provinces during Good Friday. Although this is not
encouraged by the Church, men imitate the scourging of Christ by going
through the streets half-naked and barefooted and inflict themselves
with wounds from whipping."

Between 1937, when the first article on flagellation was published in
the Philippine periodical press, and 1991 (when the survey I conducted
ended), 104 articles on flagellation appeared in 36 different
periodicals, ranging from travel magazines, such as Orient Tours, to
the government propaganda of New Philippines (distributed during
martial law), and from domestic magazines, such as Woman and the Home,
to hard-line political organs, most famously Philippines Free Press. Of
the 104 articles (this figure excludes articles in the daily press),
only 8 were published before 1960; the remaining 96 articles appearing
between 1961 and 1991, reflecting a significant increase of interest in
flagellation in this period. The breakdown of articles by decade, which
I shall return to later, is as follows: 1930s - 1 article, 1940s - 2
articles, 1950s - 5 articles, 1960s - 24 articles, 1970s - 43 articles,
1980s - 23 articles, 1990-1991 - 6 articles.

Flagellation has appeared in many guises in the Philippine periodical
press. During the 1960s, the ritual cropped up in a spate of high-brow
editorials. In 1962, for instance, the leading article in Philippines
Free Press postulated that: "On Holy Friday it is the custom for some
people to whip themselves or to have another whip them in payment for
their sins. Thus, they would show God how sorry they are for having
offended Him Crime must be followed by punishment, guilt erased by
suffering. It is not enough to be sorry; one must also expiate." In
1967, an editorial in the Manila Times Variety magazine described the
flagellant on its front cover as "subjecting himself to inflictions of
bodily pain and hoping thereby to do reparation for his many sins."
Again, I stress that this supposition of sin and atonement is not
adhered to by the flagellants themselves.

Flagellation was an ardent subject of debate in readers' letters
published in national periodicals during the non-participatory revival.
In 1967, in Philippines Free Press, a reader from Bohol asked:
"Flagellants punish themselves severely to atone for their sins, but do
they ever attend Sunday Mass or receive the sacraments?" In 1978, in a
letter to the editor of Philippine Panorama, an indignant correspondent
demanded to know why the Catholic Church did not advise "the countless
flagellants all over the country", who "inflict wounds on themselves to
atone for some personal shortcoming", to "stop this practice once and
for all".
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-16 21:27:52 UTC
"Prehispanic flip" <***@yahoo.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:***@y43g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...

Post by Prehispanic flip
Without doubt, the non-participatory revival of interest in
self-flagellation was linked to the independence of the Philippines and
the painful process of decolonization that ensued, as the educated
elite attempted to define or redefine cultural and national identity.
Flagellation was perceived, initially at least, as intrinsically
Filipino (despite its Spanish ancestry): a rural tradition bound up in
four hundred years of cultural heritage. Although flagellation belonged
to a protracted colonial past, it was temporarily embraced as part of
an experimental present and an imagined future, and like it or not (and
many nationalists did not), represented a small step towards answering
the question: who is the Filipino, or at least who is this Filipino? To
add a twist to the tale, an historical participatory twist to the
non-participatory revival: until the early twentieth century,
self-flagellation used to be practised on Good Friday, indoors and in
private, by upper class Filipino men.
Obviously flagellation was alienated from its Spanish origin and given a
Pinoy brand, even considered as "intrinsically Filipino".
It seems like a ritual to get into trance, but with a bit of Christian

Extatic Piggy
2006-05-17 08:21:17 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Prehispanic flip
Without doubt, the non-participatory revival of interest in
self-flagellation was linked to the independence of the Philippines and
the painful process of decolonization that ensued, as the educated
elite attempted to define or redefine cultural and national identity.
Flagellation was perceived, initially at least, as intrinsically
Filipino (despite its Spanish ancestry): a rural tradition bound up in
four hundred years of cultural heritage. Although flagellation belonged
to a protracted colonial past, it was temporarily embraced as part of
an experimental present and an imagined future, and like it or not (and
many nationalists did not), represented a small step towards answering
the question: who is the Filipino, or at least who is this Filipino? To
add a twist to the tale, an historical participatory twist to the
non-participatory revival: until the early twentieth century,
self-flagellation used to be practised on Good Friday, indoors and in
private, by upper class Filipino men.
Obviously flagellation was alienated from its Spanish origin and given a
Pinoy brand, even considered as "intrinsically Filipino".
It seems like a ritual to get into trance, but with a bit of Christian
Extatic Piggy
There is an Islamic sect, that requires self-flagellation, there is also
a Zoroasterian sect that requires it.
2006-05-17 10:29:02 UTC
Post by tumbaga
There is an Islamic sect, that requires self-flagellation, there is also
a Zoroasterian sect that requires it.
If my failing memory serves correctly, there were also the Skopsi, a
Russian Christian sect who were not only flagellants but also
practiced self-castration.

I can sing any note higher than you .....

no you can't ..... yes I can .....
2006-05-18 02:18:58 UTC
anyone who can do self castration has mucho cojones... in the
other hand they dont
2006-05-18 08:26:15 UTC
Post by Alpo
anyone who can do self castration has mucho cojones... in the
other hand they dont
Or like my pren who had the sex change operation .....

did they put the anchovy in the right place?
2006-05-18 23:14:14 UTC
Post by LeeBat
Post by tumbaga
There is an Islamic sect, that requires self-flagellation, there is also
a Zoroasterian sect that requires it.
If my failing memory serves correctly, there were also the Skopsi, a
Russian Christian sect who were not only flagellants but also
practiced self-castration.
I can sing any note higher than you .....
no you can't ..... yes I can .....
So do some Roman Catholics in Spain, Austria, as far as castration and
flagellation, this world is wierd I tell you.
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-22 22:18:23 UTC
Post by LeeBat
Post by tumbaga
There is an Islamic sect, that requires self-flagellation, there is also
a Zoroasterian sect that requires it.
If my failing memory serves correctly, there were also the Skopsi, a
Russian Christian sect who were not only flagellants but also
practiced self-castration.
At least they don't have to deal with sexually abusive monks.

One Less Problem Piggy
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-22 22:13:26 UTC
Post by tumbaga
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Prehispanic flip
Without doubt, the non-participatory revival of interest in
self-flagellation was linked to the independence of the Philippines and
the painful process of decolonization that ensued, as the educated
elite attempted to define or redefine cultural and national identity.
Flagellation was perceived, initially at least, as intrinsically
Filipino (despite its Spanish ancestry): a rural tradition bound up in
four hundred years of cultural heritage. Although flagellation belonged
to a protracted colonial past, it was temporarily embraced as part of
an experimental present and an imagined future, and like it or not (and
many nationalists did not), represented a small step towards answering
the question: who is the Filipino, or at least who is this Filipino? To
add a twist to the tale, an historical participatory twist to the
non-participatory revival: until the early twentieth century,
self-flagellation used to be practised on Good Friday, indoors and in
private, by upper class Filipino men.
Obviously flagellation was alienated from its Spanish origin and given a
Pinoy brand, even considered as "intrinsically Filipino".
It seems like a ritual to get into trance, but with a bit of Christian
There is an Islamic sect, that requires self-flagellation, there is also
a Zoroasterian sect that requires it.
Many religions have a "zealot wing" which demands physical sacrifices,
hardship and bloodshed. To me they are all the same - fanatics!
They try to bribe God with their blood, and they disregard Mother Nature,
who gave them a healthy body.

Pious Corruption Piggy
Benjie molina
2006-05-23 04:04:15 UTC
actually violence has always been part of nature. animals kill other
animals all the time.
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-29 00:00:09 UTC
Post by Benjie molina
actually violence has always been part of nature. animals kill other
animals all the time.
But animals rarely hurt themselves just for kicks. Self-flagellation is as
unnatural as it can be.

Passion Play Piggy
Rose Melinis
2006-05-29 02:43:47 UTC
Birds pick their feathers, primates will abuse themselves, etc., but only
when they are held in unnatural surroundings such as those devised by man in
poorly designed zoos or when kept as private pets. Essentially they go
"postal", such as what these self-flagellants do that causes them to flail
their backs with whips. Apparently they are trying to emulate Christ.

We might all be better off if they then crucified themselves and had someone
pierce their sides with a sword.

At least it would be taking it to it's logical conclusion.

"I'll get the hammer and nails" Pigette
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Benjie molina
actually violence has always been part of nature. animals kill other
animals all the time.
But animals rarely hurt themselves just for kicks. Self-flagellation is as
unnatural as it can be.
Passion Play Piggy
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-04 00:16:59 UTC
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Benjie molina
actually violence has always been part of nature. animals kill other
animals all the time.
But animals rarely hurt themselves just for kicks. Self-flagellation is as
unnatural as it can be.
Birds pick their feathers, primates will abuse themselves, etc., but only
when they are held in unnatural surroundings such as those devised by man in
poorly designed zoos or when kept as private pets.
Exactly. When birds pick their feathers, it is to use them as upholstery for
their chicken's nest, and primates who abuse themselves do not really harm
Animals only really hurt themselves in a desperate situation - like the
hospitalized animals in a zoo or a farm who run their head on the wall,
biting or sratching themselves excessively etc.
Post by Rose Melinis
Essentially they go
"postal", such as what these self-flagellants do that causes them to flail
their backs with whips. Apparently they are trying to emulate Christ.
I rather think they are in their own kind of "desperate situation".
Post by Rose Melinis
We might all be better off if they then crucified themselves and had someone
pierce their sides with a sword.
At least it would be taking it to it's logical conclusion.
There must be a better solution than that. Those flagellants need help to
find more useful ways to feel good.

Bullwhip Piggy
fabian ver
2006-05-29 05:56:22 UTC
true. we are also the only animal that is willing to destroy ourselves
our planet and our environment .some say we are worse than termites.
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-04 00:28:32 UTC
Post by fabian ver
true. we are also the only animal that is willing to destroy ourselves
our planet and our environment .some say we are worse than termites.
We are not worse than termites, we are just more powerful. Most humans do
not DELIBERATELY destroy our environment or their bodies - they just don't
know any better.
For Planet Earth, we are like 3 year old children: clever enough to do a lot
of silly stuff and big damage, but still not wise enough to NOT tamper with
all kinds of things. And I hope human kind will grow up BEFORE we
accidentially kill ourselves.

Playing With Gas Can And Matches Piggy
Rajah sampurna
2006-05-18 05:46:08 UTC
the filipino muslims version was to go huramentado

The word juramentado, meaning oath, was first employed by General
Malcampo during the final occupation of Jolo in 1876. The practice of
"running juramentado" was a religious rite involving the waging of a
jihad, or Holy War, upon infidels. Originally, the practice was
conducted by a band of men determined to sacrifice their lives in
accomplishing the death of Christians. In the later years of the
Spanish conquest, single individuals howled through the streets of
Jolo, leaving death in their wake.

Elaborate preparation of the body was a forerunner to the running of
juramentado, in order that the individual might appear before God in
the most favorable light. In the deep silence of early morning,
fanatical youths gathered to hear the Imams, or priests, tell of the
old days. The stories flamed these ambitious recruits to martyrdom, and
custom then necessitated a solemn conference with their parents. After
a family council, which usually granted permission for the youth to run
juramentado, the youths were banded together with the Sultan's
permission to engage in a holy war.

The candidates were then turned over to the Imam for organization and
instruction. Prayers were offered and each candidate placed his hand
upon the Koran and repeated the following:
"Jumanji kami hatunan ing kami ini magsabil karna sing tuhan." (We
covenant with God that we will wage this holy war, for it is of God.)

The body was then carefully washed, the teeth were cleaned and the
nails cut and trimmed. The family of the candidate shaved his eyebrows
so that they "looked like a moon two days old." The hair was cut short.
The waist was supported by a tight band for strengthening effect. A man
so bound could remain oh his feet long after an ordinary man would
succumb to wounds.

The candidate was then clothed in a white robe called the jubba and was
crowned with a white turban. To the waist was attached an anting-anting
or a charm, to ward off the blows of the enemy. The genitals were bound
tightly with cords.

After beautifying and polishing his weapons, the candidate was then
ready to go forth to the holy war. In the Moro dialect, these men were
known as mag-sabils, which means to endure the pangs of death. The Moro
who decided upon juramentado took the solemn oath (Napi), to prepare
himself to pursue the Parang-sabil, or road to Paradise, with valor and
devotion. The juramentado could not be called insane but was under the
influence of a frenzied religious excitement.

The method of attack of the juramentado was to approach the largest
group of Christians possible and shout to them from a distance the
Arabic phrase, "La ilaha il-la'l-lahu" - There is no God but Allah. The
kris or barong was then unsheathed and a rush was made, each
juramentado hoping to kill at least one Christian before he found a
martyr's death.

The Sulu warrior, never a strictly orthodox Mohammedan, supplied from
his imagination certain rewards not specified by the Koran. The dead
juramentado mounted to Paradise riding a white horse. Each Christian
killed accompanied him as a slave in Paradise. Death on the field
provided for the presence in Paradise of beautiful virgins, with whom
the warriors reveled in a perfumed garden. This last of course refers
to passages in the Koran:
"On couches with linings of brocade shall they recline, and the fruit
of the two gardens shall be within easy reach. Therein shall be the
damsels with retiring glances whom no man hath touched before them.
Theirs shall be the Houris, with large, dark eyes, like pearls hidden
in their shells, in recompense of their labors past."

Following his final collapse on the field of battle, the dead
juramentado was washed again and wrapped ina white cloth for burial. If
the enemy was vanquished in the attack and the juramentado escaped with
his life after slaughtering the Christians, he passed to Paradise forty
years after the battle.

With such rewards in store for them, it is little wonder that the
juramentado Moros of Sulu and Mindanao take their place as the most
deadly combatants of history. The juramentado was practically
non-stoppable. Even when riddled with bullets he remained on his feet
to kill the enemy.

Dr. Montano, an eminent scientist sent by the French government to
Sulu, describes the entry into the city of Tianggi of eleven
juramentados during the Spanish occupation:

'Divided into three bands, they crept into town, pursuing a frenzied
course. Hearing the cry of "Los Juramentados", the soldiers seized
arms. The juramentados rushed upon them fearlessly with krises. One of
them struck in the breast by a bullet, rose and flung himself upon the
troops. Transfixed by a bayonet, he remained erect, trying to reach his
enemy who held him impaled. Another soldier ran up and blew out his
brains before he dropped. When the last juramentado had fallen and the
corpses were picked up from the street, it was found that fifteen
Spaniards had been hacked to pieces and many wounded. And what wounds!
The head of one Spaniard was cut off as clean as if with a razor and
another was cut almost in two."

The utter disregard for death held by the juramentado Moro probably
remains unequalled in history. In Mindanao and Sulu, we have the
astounding picture of a race of men who sought death as a blessing. And
with little wonder, for they were informed by the Koran:
"And say not of those who are slain in fight for the religion of God,
that they are dead; yea they are living, but ye do not understand." II,

Often confused with the practice of running juramentado was the custom,
so prevalent among all Eastern peoples, of running amuk. Running amuk
had no religious significance. Such a performance was called manuju by
the Moros. The practice still persists in Mindanao and Sulu. To the
knowledge of the writer, amuks have cleared the streets of Zamboanga
within the last two years.

The practice of running amuk occurs when the natives have what is
called a "bad head". The amuk is temporarily insane. The Malay is prone
to brood and linger over imaginary ills and this culminates in the
seizure of a kris and a mad slashing of every person in the amuk's
path. Even the Moros are not spared when in the path of an amuk.
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-24 02:06:31 UTC
"Rajah sampurna" <***@yahoo.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:***@38g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...

Post by Rajah sampurna
Often confused with the practice of running juramentado was the custom,
so prevalent among all Eastern peoples, of running amuk. Running amuk
had no religious significance. Such a performance was called manuju by
the Moros. The practice still persists in Mindanao and Sulu. To the
knowledge of the writer, amuks have cleared the streets of Zamboanga
within the last two years.
The practice of running amuk occurs when the natives have what is
called a "bad head". The amuk is temporarily insane. The Malay is prone
to brood and linger over imaginary ills and this culminates in the
seizure of a kris and a mad slashing of every person in the amuk's
path. Even the Moros are not spared when in the path of an amuk.
So, I f I got it right, huramentado was a socially accepted precursor of
suicide bombing, while amok was an outlawed act of insanity.

Out Of Control Piggy
Rose Melinis
2006-05-24 03:36:18 UTC
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Rajah sampurna
Often confused with the practice of running juramentado was the custom,
so prevalent among all Eastern peoples, of running amuk. Running amuk
had no religious significance. Such a performance was called manuju by
the Moros. The practice still persists in Mindanao and Sulu. To the
knowledge of the writer, amuks have cleared the streets of Zamboanga
within the last two years.
The practice of running amuk occurs when the natives have what is
called a "bad head". The amuk is temporarily insane. The Malay is prone
to brood and linger over imaginary ills and this culminates in the
seizure of a kris and a mad slashing of every person in the amuk's
path. Even the Moros are not spared when in the path of an amuk.
So, I f I got it right, huramentado was a socially accepted precursor of
suicide bombing, while amok was an outlawed act of insanity.
Out Of Control Piggy
2006-05-24 08:52:48 UTC
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse.
Gee, Rose, you make it sound like its a Bad Thing.
Post by Rose Melinis
For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Well, I only did it till I needed glasses .....

You truly crack me up.

Dunno why no one else seems to appreciate your biting sense of humor,
pero no es mi problemo.

Rose Melinis
2006-05-24 13:25:54 UTC
My God, you get it!
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse.
Gee, Rose, you make it sound like its a Bad Thing.
Post by Rose Melinis
For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Well, I only did it till I needed glasses .....
You truly crack me up.
Dunno why no one else seems to appreciate your biting sense of humor,
pero no es mi problemo.
2006-05-24 22:28:23 UTC
By Gott, he does [it]!

Post by Rose Melinis
My God, you get it!
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse.
Gee, Rose, you make it sound like its a Bad Thing.
Post by Rose Melinis
For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Well, I only did it till I needed glasses .....
You truly crack me up.
Dunno why no one else seems to appreciate your biting sense of humor,
pero no es mi problemo.
2006-05-25 03:09:50 UTC
Shut the fuck.... up !
Post by DirtySickPig
By Gott, he does [it]!
Post by Rose Melinis
My God, you get it!
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this,
but in essence this
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
self-flagellation nonsense is just another
manifestation of the fixation
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
Philippine men have with self-abuse.
Gee, Rose, you make it sound like its a Bad
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside
of playing "GI vs. Japanese"
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by
mothers and Lolas and a little
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy
young man. I think it is an
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
attribute that lasts throughout their
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
Well, I only did it till I needed
glasses .....
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
You truly crack me up.
Dunno why no one else seems to appreciate
your biting sense of humor,
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by LeeBat
pero no es mi problemo.
vince raagas
2006-05-24 13:42:58 UTC
you are really a honky at heart thats why
2006-05-24 22:30:22 UTC
Post by vince raagas
you are really a honky at heart thats why
BOBO! They're talking about your favorite activity.

Even masturbation has racial overtones with you, you fucking brown nigger.
nenita lim
2006-05-24 22:36:09 UTC
sabi ni genius
Even masturbation has racial overtones with you, " you fucking brown

er right
Dirty Sick Pig
2006-05-25 03:18:36 UTC
"you fucking brown nigger?"

Take your meds pig ! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Post by DirtySickPig
BOBO! They're talking about your favorite
Post by DirtySickPig
Even masturbation has racial overtones with
you, you fucking brown nigger.
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by vince raagas
you are really a honky at heart thats why
BOBO! They're talking about your favorite
Post by DirtySickPig
Even masturbation has racial overtones with
you, you fucking brown nigger.
2006-05-26 02:06:46 UTC
Yeah, pig psycho, your meds is way overdue !
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
"you fucking brown nigger?"
Take your meds pig ! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Post by DirtySickPig
BOBO! They're talking about your favorite
Post by DirtySickPig
Even masturbation has racial overtones with
you, you fucking brown nigger.
Post by DirtySickPig
Post by vince raagas
you are really a honky at heart thats
2006-05-28 03:28:45 UTC
Post by tumbaga
Yeah, pig psycho, your meds is way overdue !
...your meds "are" way overdue.
Post by tumbaga
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAWR! Such genius! "...your meds is...!!!!!"

Plural Pig[s]
Sylvia Knoerr
2006-05-31 03:01:10 UTC
"Plural pigs" Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yeah we know pig, we know you suffer from
multiple personalities...... but did you take
your meds ?

Post by DirtySickPig
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAWR! Such genius! "...your meds
Post by DirtySickPig
Plural Pig[s]
Post by tumbaga
Yeah, pig psycho, your meds is way overdue !
....your meds "are" way overdue.
Post by tumbaga
2006-05-25 10:09:33 UTC
Post by vince raagas
you are really a honky at heart thats why
heh heh

American si, honky no.

If I have to explain the difference, you wouldn't understand anyway.

yankee doodle dandy ......
cheeze kris
2006-05-26 13:46:22 UTC
i understand alright . remember my kids were born here just like you .
is it their fault they only spokening english 95 prcnt of the time?
there are factors for it like school, peer pressure [ they dont speak
tagalog indians, germans and us born flip prends ] . abs cbn , gma
are showing in the house 7 days a week . but there ar other rooms
where disney and pbs etc are available . we try to give them the
pinas perspective we even give em vacations to meet hard core flip
cousins . thats all we can do
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-30 23:09:38 UTC
Post by LeeBat
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse.
Gee, Rose, you make it sound like its a Bad Thing.
Post by Rose Melinis
For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Well, I only did it till I needed glasses .....
Hm, I always thought you need not SEE him to know that he's there...

Visual Piggy
2006-05-24 13:46:02 UTC
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
This post confirms it, this is Rebecca Chua Enriquez's husband, and

Otherwise He would have known that self-flagellation existed in Europe,
US and Middle-East this traditioin was brought to the Philippines, yes
sometimes taken to an extreme, like getting nailed on the cross for
example. It was brought over by Roman Catholics.

Muslim sect also practice this, I know Shiite do this at certain period.
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-30 23:28:24 UTC
Post by tumbaga
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese" with
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
This post confirms it, this is Rebecca Chua Enriquez's husband, and
Does it make a difference whether someone is Catholic or Protestant? They
all consider masturbation a sin, but Catholics take it more important. They
generally take sexuality more important, which is not surprising, since the
priests are expected not to have any sexuality at all. No wonder they are
obsessed with it! :-)
Post by tumbaga
Otherwise He would have known that self-flagellation existed in Europe,
US and Middle-East this traditioin was brought to the Philippines, yes
sometimes taken to an extreme, like getting nailed on the cross for
example. It was brought over by Roman Catholics.
Muslim sect also practice this, I know Shiite do this at certain period.
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians and
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.

Piggy In Trance
Dirty Sick Pig
2006-05-31 00:28:46 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians and
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
Can you explain the absence of injuries in many of these practices?
Post by Sylvia Knörr
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
Too many words. Just say, "orgasm!"
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Piggy In Orgasmic Trance
Renowlistic Pig in "Orgiastic" Trance
Dirty Sheik Pig
2006-05-31 02:02:00 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Can you explain the absence of injuries in many
of these practices?
Absence ? You are a living proof pig.
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Too many words. Just say, "orgasm!"
Take you meds, pigoy !
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Piggy In Orgasmic Trance
Not the Viagra Stoopid ! The psycho meds !
Ay yayayayayayayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Renowlistic Pig in "Orgiastic" Trance

Dirty Sick Pig
2006-05-31 02:23:59 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Can you explain the absence of injuries in many
of these practices?
Absence ? You are a living proof pig.
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Too many words. Just say, "orgasm!"
Take you meds, pigoy !
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Piggy In Orgasmic Trance
Not the Viagra Stoopid ! The psycho meds !
Ay yayayayayayayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Renowlistic Pig in "Orgiastic" Trance
Thanks, stoopeed, for talking to me. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAWR!
Dirty Sheik Pig
2006-05-31 04:00:50 UTC
Dirty Sick Pig wrote:

No problem, dumb shit shit-for-brains pig !

Dirty Sick Pig wrote:

Thanks, stoopeed, for talking to me.

Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Can you explain the absence of injuries in
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
of these practices?
Absence ? You are a living proof pig.
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Too many words. Just say, "orgasm!"
Take you meds, pigoy !
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Piggy In Orgasmic Trance
Not the Viagra Stoopid ! The psycho meds !
Ay yayayayayayayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Renowlistic Pig in "Orgiastic" Trance
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-05 01:02:11 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians and
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
Can you explain the absence of injuries in many of these practices?
No, not really. It only proves that human mind has a lot of power over the
body. Like some Buddhist lamas are able to control their heartbeat frequency
and body temperature.
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
Too many words. Just say, "orgasm!"
Lol. Yes, that's what I mean.

Miss Multiple O. Piggy
2006-05-31 00:58:42 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by tumbaga
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese"
Post by tumbaga
Post by Rose Melinis
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
This post confirms it, this is Rebecca Chua Enriquez's husband, and
Does it make a difference whether someone is Catholic or Protestant? They
all consider masturbation a sin, but Catholics take it more important. They
generally take sexuality more important, which is not surprising, since the
priests are expected not to have any sexuality at all. No wonder they are
obsessed with it! :-)
I always have suspected the same, don't worry.
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by tumbaga
Otherwise He would have known that self-flagellation existed in Europe,
US and Middle-East this traditioin was brought to the Philippines, yes
sometimes taken to an extreme, like getting nailed on the cross for
example. It was brought over by Roman Catholics.
Muslim sect also practice this, I know Shiite do this at certain period.
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians and
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
Piggy In Trance
Those are different things.
why do you like right wing assassins?
2006-05-31 01:48:39 UTC
its also sylvias daschund posting in scf . did you know that ? the
dog is a flip dog
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by tumbaga
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese"
Post by tumbaga
Post by Rose Melinis
wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a little
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
This post confirms it, this is Rebecca Chua Enriquez's husband, and
Does it make a difference whether someone is Catholic or Protestant? They
all consider masturbation a sin, but Catholics take it more important. They
generally take sexuality more important, which is not surprising, since the
priests are expected not to have any sexuality at all. No wonder they are
obsessed with it! :-)
Post by tumbaga
Otherwise He would have known that self-flagellation existed in Europe,
US and Middle-East this traditioin was brought to the Philippines, yes
sometimes taken to an extreme, like getting nailed on the cross for
example. It was brought over by Roman Catholics.
Muslim sect also practice this, I know Shiite do this at certain period.
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians and
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
Piggy In Trance
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-05 01:29:36 UTC
Post by why do you like right wing assassins?
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians and
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
its also sylvias daschund posting in scf . did you know that ? the
dog is a flip dog
Huh? What Dachshund? You mean the Schweinehund? Oh yes, he's a frequent
poster. :-))

SCF Zoo Animal Piggy
Dirty Sick Pig
2006-06-05 02:21:59 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by why do you like right wing assassins?
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians
Post by why do you like right wing assassins?
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of nails, or
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
its also sylvias daschund posting in scf . did you know that ? the
dog is a flip dog
Huh? What Dachshund? You mean the Schweinehund? Oh yes, he's a frequent
poster. :-))
SCF Zoo Animal Piggy
Can't you read? The genius said d-a-s-c-h-u-n-d, and daschund it will
forever be.

Shaekesperitic Badgerhound Pig
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-11 00:50:20 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by why do you like right wing assassins?
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are different kinds of self-mutilation, not only among Christians
and Muslims. Indians also do weird things, like sitting on a bed of
nails, or
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by why do you like right wing assassins?
Post by Sylvia Knörr
piercieng their cheeks with a sword. These practices mostly seem to be
either a sacrifice, or they lead to an ecstatic mode, to bring "spiritual
In highest excitement the line between joy and pain gets blurred.
its also sylvias daschund posting in scf . did you know that ? the
dog is a flip dog
Huh? What Dachshund? You mean the Schweinehund? Oh yes, he's a frequent
poster. :-))
Can't you read? The genius said d-a-s-c-h-u-n-d, and daschund it will
forever be.
Shaekesperitic Badgerhound Pig
It seems we just discovered another unknown endemic Philippine species. :-))

Mammalia Piggy
Sylvia Knörr
2006-05-30 23:03:41 UTC
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Rajah sampurna
Often confused with the practice of running juramentado was the custom,
so prevalent among all Eastern peoples, of running amuk. Running amuk
had no religious significance. Such a performance was called manuju by
the Moros. The practice still persists in Mindanao and Sulu. To the
knowledge of the writer, amuks have cleared the streets of Zamboanga
within the last two years.
The practice of running amuk occurs when the natives have what is
called a "bad head". The amuk is temporarily insane. The Malay is prone
to brood and linger over imaginary ills and this culminates in the
seizure of a kris and a mad slashing of every person in the amuk's
path. Even the Moros are not spared when in the path of an amuk.
So, I f I got it right, huramentado was a socially accepted precursor of
suicide bombing, while amok was an outlawed act of insanity.
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese"
with wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a
Post by Rose Melinis
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to self-flagellation,
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even good
things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))

Overdose Piggy
Dirty Sick Pig
2006-05-31 00:38:42 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Rajah sampurna
Often confused with the practice of running juramentado was the custom,
so prevalent among all Eastern peoples, of running amuk. Running amuk
had no religious significance. Such a performance was called manuju by
the Moros. The practice still persists in Mindanao and Sulu. To the
knowledge of the writer, amuks have cleared the streets of Zamboanga
within the last two years.
The practice of running amuk occurs when the natives have what is
called a "bad head". The amuk is temporarily insane. The Malay is prone
to brood and linger over imaginary ills and this culminates in the
seizure of a kris and a mad slashing of every person in the amuk's
path. Even the Moros are not spared when in the path of an amuk.
So, If I got it right, huramentado was a socially accepted
precursor of suicide bombing, while amok was an outlawed act of
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the
fixation Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the
only form of entertainment for them as children outside of playing
"GI vs. Japanese" with wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by
mothers and Lolas and a little cooking oil on the hand makes for a
happy young man. I think it is an attribute that lasts throughout
their lifetime.
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
self-flagellation, but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to
sexuality. :-)) I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon
among boys and menfolk, not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do
any harm, unless practiced excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns
bad if done excessively, even good things. (Da Pig might contradict
this :-))
Moi? Contradict your genius? Far be it from moi! What I need is your
permission to engrave your wisdom in granite and distribute such tablets
to the unwashed masses for their own good.
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Overdose Piggy
Dirty Sheik Pig
2006-05-31 02:19:25 UTC
The pig is living proof that excessive
musterbation is bery bery bad. Manual
ejaculation drained all his brain cells so now he
has a hollow skull. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Dirty Sick Pig wrote:

Moi? Contradict your genius? Far be it from
moi! What I need is your permission to engrave
your wisdom in granite and distribute such
tablets to the unwashed masses for their own good.

Overdose Piggy


Sylvia Knörr wrote:

Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which
lead to self-flagellation, but it seems a little
far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))

I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon
among boys and menfolk, not only in the
Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless
practiced excessively. But then - EVERYTHING
turns bad if done excessively, even good things.
(Da Pig might contradict this :-))
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-05 01:09:24 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Rose Melinis
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the
fixation Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the
only form of entertainment for them as children outside of playing
"GI vs. Japanese" with wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by
mothers and Lolas and a little cooking oil on the hand makes for a
happy young man. I think it is an attribute that lasts throughout
their lifetime.
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
self-flagellation, but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to
sexuality. :-)) I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon
among boys and menfolk, not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do
any harm, unless practiced excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns
bad if done excessively, even good things. (Da Pig might contradict
this :-))
Moi? Contradict your genius? Far be it from moi! What I need is your
permission to engrave your wisdom in granite and distribute such tablets
to the unwashed masses for their own good.
Unwashed masses? Why not start with the usenet community? :-))
Oh, sheesh, I forgot to settle my copyrights...

License Piggy
esther jarabe
2006-06-05 04:29:09 UTC
yea you can sprain it . your veins could get inflamed. or worse it
could get infected. not that i am an expert. dsp told me from his
Post by Rajah sampurna
Post by Rose Melinis
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Rajah sampurna
Often confused with the practice of running juramentado was the custom,
so prevalent among all Eastern peoples, of running amuk. Running amuk
had no religious significance. Such a performance was called manuju by
the Moros. The practice still persists in Mindanao and Sulu. To the
knowledge of the writer, amuks have cleared the streets of Zamboanga
within the last two years.
The practice of running amuk occurs when the natives have what is
called a "bad head". The amuk is temporarily insane. The Malay is prone
to brood and linger over imaginary ills and this culminates in the
seizure of a kris and a mad slashing of every person in the amuk's
path. Even the Moros are not spared when in the path of an amuk.
So, I f I got it right, huramentado was a socially accepted precursor of
suicide bombing, while amok was an outlawed act of insanity.
Sylvia, honestly I wanted to stay off this, but in essence this
self-flagellation nonsense is just another manifestation of the fixation
Philippine men have with self-abuse. For most it was the only form of
entertainment for them as children outside of playing "GI vs. Japanese"
with wooden stick guns. Too much spoiling by mothers and Lolas and a
Post by Rose Melinis
cooking oil on the hand makes for a happy young man. I think it is an
attribute that lasts throughout their lifetime.
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to self-flagellation,
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even good
things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))
Overdose Piggy
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-11 00:56:25 UTC
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even good
things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))
yea you can sprain it . your veins could get inflamed. or worse it
could get infected. not that i am an expert. dsp told me from his
The strange thing is that every man I asked seems to know masturbation only
from the hearsay. :-D

Urban Legends Piggy
Dirty Sick Pig
2006-06-11 02:04:33 UTC
Post by Prehispanic flip
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))
yea you can sprain it . your veins could get inflamed. or worse it
could get infected. not that i am an expert. dsp told me from his
The strange thing is that every man I asked seems to know masturbation only
from the hearsay. :-D
Urban Legends Piggy
If you give him tweezers and a magnifying glass, Renowl will be glad to
demonstrate his Advanced Tekniks.

Vaseline Pig
don pepot
2006-06-11 04:19:06 UTC
how would he know? dsp has been namboboso once again even if i keep
telling him he is not my type. dirrty sick pervert= dsp .
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Prehispanic flip
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))
yea you can sprain it . your veins could get inflamed. or worse it
could get infected. not that i am an expert. dsp told me from his
The strange thing is that every man I asked seems to know masturbation only
from the hearsay. :-D
Urban Legends Piggy
If you give him tweezers and a magnifying glass, Renowl will be glad to
demonstrate his Advanced Tekniks.
Vaseline Pig
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-22 01:31:08 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Sylvia Knörr
The strange thing is that every man I asked seems to know masturbation only
from the hearsay. :-D
If you give him tweezers and a magnifying glass, Renowl will be glad to
demonstrate his Advanced Tekniks.
What's that? A Pinoy peepshow? :-D

Spotlight Piggy
don pepot
2006-06-11 04:16:59 UTC
didnt you know urban legend says it can make you blind. ? ask leebat
he has been losing some of his eyesight
Post by Prehispanic flip
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))
yea you can sprain it . your veins could get inflamed. or worse it
could get infected. not that i am an expert. dsp told me from his
The strange thing is that every man I asked seems to know masturbation only
from the hearsay. :-D
Urban Legends Piggy
Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-22 01:49:47 UTC
Post by don pepot
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Well, there may be a lot of warped emotions which lead to
Post by don pepot
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by esther jarabe
Post by Sylvia Knörr
but it seems a little far-fetched to link it to sexuality. :-))
I suppose masturbation is a widespread phenomenon among boys and menfolk,
not only in the Philippines. It doesn't do any harm, unless practiced
excessively. But then - EVERYTHING turns bad if done excessively, even
good things. (Da Pig might contradict this :-))
yea you can sprain it . your veins could get inflamed. or worse it
could get infected. not that i am an expert. dsp told me from his
The strange thing is that every man I asked seems to know masturbation only
from the hearsay. :-D
didnt you know urban legend says it can make you blind. ? ask leebat
he has been losing some of his eyesight
There are a lot of legends around it. Where I live they told little boys
that it would cause "Hirnerweichung" (softening and liquidation of the
brain), or "Rückenmarksschwund" (decrease of spinal marrow).
That would explain why so many stupid old men go bended on crutches. ;-)

Diagnosis Piggy
Just JT
2006-06-22 05:02:36 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are a lot of legends around it. Where I live they told little boys
that it would cause "Hirnerweichung" (softening and liquidation of the
brain), or "Rückenmarksschwund" (decrease of spinal marrow).
That would explain why so many stupid old men go bended on crutches. ;-)
Use "masturbation" in a sentence:

Because of the recent famine, many people in Africa are dying from

Sylvia Knörr
2006-06-28 00:14:51 UTC
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are a lot of legends around it. Where I live they told little boys
that it would cause "Hirnerweichung" (softening and liquidation of the
brain), or "Rückenmarksschwund" (decrease of spinal marrow).
That would explain why so many stupid old men go bended on crutches. ;-)
Because of the recent famine, many people in Africa are dying from
Lol, I LOVE Pinoy English! :-))
Post by Just JT
Karaoke show? :-)

Sing Along Piggy

Benjie molina
2006-05-24 05:39:06 UTC
huramentado was their " rational " way of rebelling.