A Filipino Hombre
(too old to reply)
Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-23 23:30:07 UTC
Look what I found! Does anybody know this folk song?

A Filipino Hombre

(Words by Capt. Lyman A. Cotton, U.S. Navy, circa 1900, tune: "I am a Gay
Cavaliero"; in Carl Sandburg's THE AMERICAN SONGBAG, pp. 434-435)

There once was a Filipino hombre
Who ate rice pescado y legumbre;
His trousers were wide, and his shirt hung outside,
And this, I may say, was his costumbre.

He lived in a nipa bahay
Which served as a stable and sty;
He slept on a mat with the dogs and a cat
And the rest of the family near by.

His daddy, un buen' Filipino,
Who never mixed tubig with bino,
Said, "I am no insurrecto - no got gun or bolo,"
Yet used both to kill a vecino.

His mujer once kept a tienda
Underneath a large stone hacienda;
She chewed buyo and sold for jawbones and gold
To soldades who said, "No intienda."

Of ninos he had dos or tres,
Good types of the Tagalo race;
In dry or wet weather, in the altogether,
They'd romp and they'd race and they'd chase.

Su hermana fue lavandera,
And slapped clothes in fuerte manera;
On a rock in a stream where the carabaos dream,
Which gave them a perfume lijera.

His brother, who was a cochero,
Buscare in Manila dinero;
His prices were high when a cop was near by
To help scare the poor pasajero.

He once owned a bulic manoc,
With a haughty, valorus look;
Which lost him a name, y mil pesos tambien,
So he changed to monte for luck.

When his pueblo last had a fiesta
His family tried to digest a
Mule that had died of glanders inside,
And now his familia no esta.

No esta,
Charley Noble


There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
Just JT
2007-03-23 23:45:17 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Look what I found! Does anybody know this folk song?
A Filipino Hombre
(Words by Capt. Lyman A. Cotton, U.S. Navy, circa 1900, tune: "I am a Gay
Cavaliero"; in Carl Sandburg's THE AMERICAN SONGBAG, pp. 434-435)
There once was a Filipino hombre
Who ate rice pescado y legumbre;
His trousers were wide, and his shirt hung outside,
And this, I may say, was his costumbre.
He lived in a nipa bahay
Which served as a stable and sty;
He slept on a mat with the dogs and a cat
And the rest of the family near by.
His daddy, un buen' Filipino,
Who never mixed tubig with bino,
Said, "I am no insurrecto - no got gun or bolo,"
Yet used both to kill a vecino.
His mujer once kept a tienda
Underneath a large stone hacienda;
She chewed buyo and sold for jawbones and gold
To soldades who said, "No intienda."
Of ninos he had dos or tres,
Good types of the Tagalo race;
In dry or wet weather, in the altogether,
They'd romp and they'd race and they'd chase.
Su hermana fue lavandera,
And slapped clothes in fuerte manera;
On a rock in a stream where the carabaos dream,
Which gave them a perfume lijera.
His brother, who was a cochero,
Buscare in Manila dinero;
His prices were high when a cop was near by
To help scare the poor pasajero.
He once owned a bulic manoc,
With a haughty, valorus look;
Which lost him a name, y mil pesos tambien,
So he changed to monte for luck.
When his pueblo last had a fiesta
His family tried to digest a
Mule that had died of glanders inside,
And now his familia no esta.
No esta,
Charley Noble
There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
I have an mp3 file of this song? You like? :-)

Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-24 01:02:37 UTC
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Look what I found! Does anybody know this folk song?
A Filipino Hombre
(Words by Capt. Lyman A. Cotton, U.S. Navy, circa 1900, tune: "I am a Gay
Cavaliero"; in Carl Sandburg's THE AMERICAN SONGBAG, pp. 434-435)
There once was a Filipino hombre
Who ate rice pescado y legumbre;
His trousers were wide, and his shirt hung outside,
And this, I may say, was his costumbre.
He lived in a nipa bahay
Which served as a stable and sty;
He slept on a mat with the dogs and a cat
And the rest of the family near by.
His daddy, un buen' Filipino,
Who never mixed tubig with bino,
Said, "I am no insurrecto - no got gun or bolo,"
Yet used both to kill a vecino.
His mujer once kept a tienda
Underneath a large stone hacienda;
She chewed buyo and sold for jawbones and gold
To soldades who said, "No intienda."
Of ninos he had dos or tres,
Good types of the Tagalo race;
In dry or wet weather, in the altogether,
They'd romp and they'd race and they'd chase.
Su hermana fue lavandera,
And slapped clothes in fuerte manera;
On a rock in a stream where the carabaos dream,
Which gave them a perfume lijera.
His brother, who was a cochero,
Buscare in Manila dinero;
His prices were high when a cop was near by
To help scare the poor pasajero.
He once owned a bulic manoc,
With a haughty, valorus look;
Which lost him a name, y mil pesos tambien,
So he changed to monte for luck.
When his pueblo last had a fiesta
His family tried to digest a
Mule that had died of glanders inside,
And now his familia no esta.
No esta,
Charley Noble
There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
I have an mp3 file of this song? You like? :-)
OO! OO! YES! YES! SI! SI! JA! JA! :-)

Song Collector Piggy
Just JT
2007-03-24 07:50:53 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
I have an mp3 file of this song? You like? :-)
OO! OO! YES! YES! SI! SI! JA! JA! :-)
Song Collector Piggy
Mein schatz,

You're in luck. The file is still intact at the scf yahoogroups file


Checkout the file: Paul, Les - Flipino Hombre-1.mp3

Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-25 00:08:31 UTC
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
I have an mp3 file of this song? You like? :-)
OO! OO! YES! YES! SI! SI! JA! JA! :-)
Mein schatz,
You're in luck. The file is still intact at the scf yahoogroups file
Checkout the file: Paul, Les - Flipino Hombre-1.mp3
Excellent. What a wonderful web the internet is! And how great to have some
guidance on my way through it!!

Thankful Piggy
fuzzy duck
2007-03-25 03:59:41 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Excellent. What a wonderful web the internet is! And how great to have some
guidance on my way through it!!
Just don't be so gullible. You are now indebted to someone who wants
something in return.
Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-28 00:41:52 UTC
Post by fuzzy duck
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Excellent. What a wonderful web the internet is! And how great to have some
guidance on my way through it!!
Just don't be so gullible. You are now indebted to someone who wants
something in return.
You mean, JT now expects me to pull out my last shirt and give it to him???

Utang Piggy
fuzzy duck
2007-03-28 08:51:04 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
You mean, JT now expects me to pull out my last shirt and give it to him???
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
Dirty Sick Pig
2007-03-28 17:04:46 UTC
Post by fuzzy duck
Post by Sylvia Knörr
You mean, JT now expects me to pull out my last shirt and give it to him???
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
There's nothing there of any metric significance.
fuzzy duck
2007-03-29 02:09:11 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by fuzzy duck
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
There's nothing there of any metric significance.
Is this some first-hand information? Or have I been led to believe your
metrically challlenged disposition is otherwise the main motive of you
demanding any metric significance to becloud the issue? On the other hand,
that now to me is clear as mud.
Dirty Sick Pig
2007-03-29 19:37:41 UTC
Post by fuzzy duck
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by fuzzy duck
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
There's nothing there of any metric significance.
Is this some first-hand information?
Hell, yeah!
Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-29 23:42:49 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by fuzzy duck
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by fuzzy duck
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
There's nothing there of any metric significance.
Is this some first-hand information?
Hell, yeah!
Uh, those damn google earth pix!! :-(

Geometric Piggy
Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-29 23:48:55 UTC
Post by fuzzy duck
Post by Sylvia Knörr
You mean, JT now expects me to pull out my last shirt and give it to him???
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
No no, the opposite is true. Since JT's assured me that he's a dedicated
cross dresser, my t-shirt is all he needs to get excited. :-)
(Maybe my stockings, too.)

Lingerie Donator Piggy
2007-03-30 17:22:34 UTC
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by fuzzy duck
Post by Sylvia Knörr
You mean, JT now expects me to pull out my last shirt and give it to him???
Well I guess, he doesn't want the T-shirt more than you taking it off.
No no, the opposite is true. Since JT's assured me that he's a dedicated
cross dresser, my t-shirt is all he needs to get excited. :-)
(Maybe my stockings, too.)
Lingerie Donator Piggy
This topic has been moved to The Exalted Lodge. Both ears to the ground!

Pigs Lodge Moving Service

Dirty Sick Pig
2007-03-25 03:54:43 UTC
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
I have an mp3 file of this song? You like? :-)
OO! OO! YES! YES! SI! SI! JA! JA! :-)
Song Collector Piggy
Mein schatz,
You're in luck. The file is still intact at the scf yahoogroups file
Checkout the file: Paul, Les - Flipino Hombre-1.mp3
I deleted it. Bwahahahawr!
Sylvia Knörr
2007-03-28 00:44:08 UTC
Post by Dirty Sick Pig
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
Post by Just JT
Post by Sylvia Knörr
There are more song lyrics and notes concerning the Philippines.
I have an mp3 file of this song? You like? :-)
OO! OO! YES! YES! SI! SI! JA! JA! :-)
Mein schatz,
You're in luck. The file is still intact at the scf yahoogroups file
Checkout the file: Paul, Les - Flipino Hombre-1.mp3
I deleted it. Bwahahahawr!
Too late! :-p :-p :-p